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与其他的New Yoker一样,Mr.G生来就有一种探索精神。他想来“北京这座与纽约同样伟大的城市”,继续他的国际教育旅程。这一教,就是8年。


在课堂上,Mr.G风趣幽默的风格让学生们非常投入;在课堂外,Mr.G对学生的作业严格细致的辅导。当我们采访Mr.G时,他竟然主动提出:“我给你们写一篇文章吧!”那种New Yoker的自信大方溢于言表。



作为教育工作者,我们的首要目标是让教学变得更加地有效。为了达到这个目的,教师必须对自己所教授的学科有着深刻的了解,并且有激情去不断钻研、精进学业。提供教学技巧以及技巧方面的练习是我每天都做的事情,同时也让我的学生达到更高的文学水平。我在课堂中使用的教学方法之一是”阅读工作坊模型”(Readers Workshop Model)。这样做的重点是提升学生的阅读技巧和策略,同时明确美国共同核心课标(CCSS)中概述的各种类型文本的含义。这个计划重在强调读者和文章之间的互动,并帮助我们的学生成为批判性的思想家。

Our primary goal as educators is to become effective teachers. In order to be an effective teacher, you must have deep knowledge of your subject, and a passion to deliver. As a teacher, delivering lessons and exercises that teach the skills and strategies of proficient reading and writing is something I do every day and also brings my students to higher levels of literacy. One of the teaching methodologies that I use in my classroom is the “Readers Workshop Model”. My main focus is to develop reading skills and strategies while creating the meaning of various types of text outlined in our Common Core Standards. The program emphasizes the interaction between readers and text and helps our students become critical thinkers.

Reading Workshop

 The reading workshop has three components;




在课堂上,我会大声朗读一个故事,比较和对比两个角色——是什么使他们相似或者不同。图形管理器是一种非常有效的教学工具,在此例中为文氏集合图(Venn diagram),并提供示例。


This is where I teach explicit skills. I model a skill or strategy to my students and give them opportunities to practice the skills together. For example; if our comprehension skill is to compare and contrast, I will have on the whiteboard my Teaching Point— Good readers are able to compare and contrast the characters’ traits by using evidence from the text.

I will read aloud a story and compare and contrast two characters; what makes them similar and different. I will use a graphic organizer, in this case, a Venn diagram, and provide examples. 

Then I will have the students perform the skill. They can turn and talk to their partner, and raise their hands to come up with an example of their own. The usage of technology is very important; therefore a computer, projector, and smartboard are used. Elementary students need a lot of supported practice. When I first introduce a new concept, I have to model and repeat it several times. It should not last more than 15 minutes, since children at this age do get tired, and do not want me to lecture them.


这是学生通过阅读适合自己级别的文章来提升阅读技巧的阶段。我通常会在学年开始时使用科学而深入的诊断评估系统来确定他们的阅读水平,评估他们的阅读能力。我使用的评估是TCCU(Teachers College of Columbia University)的等级阅读评估(与Fountas and Pinnell阅读水平相关)。我每年会做3-4次此类的评估。我认为帮助我的学生最好的方式是让他们读他们想要的、感兴趣的主题。底线是,我想给我的学生足够的时间,因为他们渴望阅读!学生们选择一本适合自身水平的书,用”阅读笔记本”来练习技巧。他们引用文中的证据来证明他们的答案是对的。我会让学生独立完成,或根据他们的需要组团合作。在此期间,我负责监督他们,我在班级里巡视,我告诉他们如何去读。我可以在阅读课中一对一、成对或成群地教书,确保学生在正确轨道上学习,并在他们似乎陷入困境时支持他们。通常在15-20分钟后,有时孩子们似乎失去了注意力,或者我可能有话要说。我会要求学生关注我,分享我想说的话,或者以学生的作品为例。这样的过程会持续约30分钟。

This is where the students practice the skill modeled by reading text at their level. I have assessed my students at the beginning of the year using an in-depth Diagnostic Assessment to establish their reading levels. The assessment I use is the Leveled Reading Assessment from Teachers College of Columbia University (which correlates with the Fountas and Pinnell reading levels). This is something that I do 3-4 times a year. The best way to help my students is by letting them read what they want, how they want. Bottom line, I want to give my students the time they crave to READ! The students chose a book at their level, and use the “Reading Notebook” to practice the skill. They will use evidence from the text to justify their answers. I will have the students work independently, or in groups according to their needs. During this time I monitor my students, I go around and I teach. I can teach in reading conferences one to one, in pairs, or in groups, making sure the students are on the right track and support them when they seem to get stuck. After 15-20 minutes, sometimes the children seem to lose their focus, or I may have something to say. I will ask the students to have their eyes on me, share what I wanted to say, or show a student’s work as an example. This lasts about 30 minutes.



At the end, the students share and reflect on the strategy we are learning and using, as I review the students’ daily goals. I wrap up the lesson by reinforcing the strategy or skill taught that day.



Research has proved that the “Reading Workshop Model” works. Lucy Calkins from Teachers College of Columbia University says, “It works because it provides students with time to read high-interest books that they can read with fluency, accuracy, and comprehension”. In New York, I had the opportunity to teach children from different cultural backgrounds. Selecting the right reading strategies that best fit their needs has been crucial to my students’ academic growth. The “Reading Workshop” has been successful for me here in China too, where the students’ reading levels vary, and the expectations are high.

 For me, teaching is the most rewarding and exciting job in the world, and the success and positive feedback I have received from parents and students at Springboard International Bilingual School and in China is a reflection of how the “Reading Workshop Model” is a great strategy for teaching young learners. In all of my years of teaching, I have found that there is no better place than China where the student’s thirst for knowledge and hard work matches my passion for teaching.

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